Thursday, March 31, 2011


My character is being overcome by the feeling of fright. Her brother is going out to war and she is scared that he might not come back. But she knows that if he doesn't, that he died for his country. She believes that if he wins the war, the world will be a better place, full of peace and kindness. She wishes her mother was still alive, to see how they were growing up in a dangerous world like hers. She is worried that her town might be the next town to be destroyed by the rivals.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28th

If I could fight for anything it would be for the stop of animal abuse. I would fight this in a civil manor, no physical contact with others in anyway. I would sign many petitions and start a few of my own. I will start rebellions. Think about it, how would you feel if you were a poor innocent animal in the arms of an abuser? Our generation may be the one to bring the end to animal abuse, if we work together we can make in possible.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


1. How was your discussion? In our discussion we didn't really stay on the topic of Glee itself, instead Jackie talked about the hot guys. The audience did get out of control, and we needed to grab their attention back.
2. What did you do well? Personally, I only think that our introduction went well, it grabbed the audiences attention but then we lost them when we started talking about our ideas.
3. What could you have done better? I think that we should have stayed on topic so maybe we could convince the audience of Glee being the best show.
4. What did you think of the assignment? I think it was kinda sudden, we weren't prepared to preform.
5. What was challenging about this assignment? Defiantly trying to keep the audiences attention.
6. What surprised you by being really easy for you? The introduction was really simple and caught the audience.

March 24th

If you were in control of the school, what (3) changes would you make and why? Would the students still be ready for high school?

If I was in control of the school, first I would change the amount of homework that is to be submitted and give it an extra day for the students to work on. Because therefore the days in between given homework we would be able to have more practice on what we were learning. I would also change that we have a recess, and get some playground equipment, so we have something to do when were done eating lunch.
The students should be ready for high school because we would still be teaching the same things we are now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22nd

The Constitution is the highest law in the United States. All other laws come from the Constitution in some way. The Constitution also provides the framework for the government of the United States. It creates things like the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. Each state has its own constitution that is the highest law for the state — but even then; the United States Constitution is higher.
Over time, some things have been added to the Constitution. Called "amendments," these add-ons list some of the rights of the people. By listing these rights, they are made special, and it is illegal for the government to violate those rights. As of 2006, there are 27 amendments to the Constitution. Not all of them involve rights, but many do. The first ten amendments, in particular, have the special name of the Bill of Rights.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21st

Can human beings ever truly be equal? What would the world look like if we were?

I think that someday everyone will be treated equally because the government will come to their senses and declare a law which stands for the equality between races. When we are equal everyone would be able to do mostly anything they want if it doesn't break the law. Everyone will not be treated differently for their religions, beliefs and races.